Terpenes in Cannabis and Essential Oils | Therapeutic Effects

good afternoon everybody and welcome to this 
presentation of pacer integrative behavioral   health today we are talking about terpenes in 
cannabis cbd and essential oils and as always   i'm your host dr donnelly snipes so let's start 
out with the important information and disclaimers   always consult with your doctor about any changes 
to health behaviors including the use of essential   oils taking supplements or changing your diet 
cannabis and cbd interact with most medications   unfortunately including over-the-counter 
medications so medical supervision is essential   that being said let's talk about terpenes 
and terpenes are the aromatic compounds   found in plants that's not just in cannabis or cbd 
any of your plants so terpenes are what you are   finding in the essential oils if you're 
familiar with those so we're going to talk about   specifically the terpenes that are found in 
cannabis but i'm also going to tell you where   you can find those same terpenes in other 
plants if you are not you know interested   in cannabis inhalation or ingestion of terpenes 
the aromatic compounds can have anti-inflammatory   anti-anxiety antidepressant anti-fungal 
antibacterial neuroprotective and cognitive   enhancing effects so terpenes can be awesome and 
if you are familiar with essential oils you are   familiar with the fact that a lot of essential 
oils have been demonstrated in research to have   calming effects or uplifting effects um appetite 
suppressive effects it does this when we inhale   the terpenes the in terms of essential oils 
when we inhale the terpenes it activates sensory   receptors in our nose that send messages to our 
brain that alter our neuro chemicals they actually   interact with the receptors in our well it causes 
the neurochemicals to interact with receptors in   our brain so terpenes can be really awesome um 
because you know again they are something that   can be smelled um in terms of cannabis and cbd 
related products terpenes are also found in the   in the plant itself and well and you can also 
find it in other plants like sage and rosemary   and oregano when you eat those plants you 
are ingesting the terpenes now do not ingest   essential oils essential oils are extremely 
extraordinarily potent distilled down forms   of this the essential oil from the plant 
and high high high concentration of terpenes   they can be toxic very easily i know some 
people do ingest essential oils but it is   extremely dangerous and needs to be done 
definitely under a doctor's supervision   that being said when terpenes are ingested orally 
and again that can mean just eating oregano or   cumin they exert their influence in the digestive 
tract and throughout the immune system so   just because you're not smoking it or inhaling it 
doesn't mean the terpenes aren't doing the work   so that that's kind of my take home there 
is no matter how your body connects with the   terpenes they do have effects of the 120 different 
terpenes that are found in cannabis for example   um any of them may influence the their overall 
effects of cannabis by helping the cannabinoids   to penetrate the blood or penetrate the 
blood-brain barrier more easily by altering   liver metabolism of the cannabinoids or by 
contributing to their own therapeutic properties   this is called the entourage effect and 
basically it says you know when you have the   effects of the cannabinoids like thc or 
cbd um plus terpenes that also activate   those receptors or um assist in in creating 
those effects they may work synergistically   and that's not just true of cannabis that's 
true of a lot of things that they they found   that essential oils can actually enhance the 
effectiveness of certain herbs and medications so let's talk about some of these terpenes and 
the terpenes give things their unique smell   if you are familiar with essential oils 
you know for example that there are like   12 different kinds of lavender each 
one of them has a slightly different   aroma to it same thing there's not as 
many different types of frankincense uh   chamomile there's roman and german so each one of 
these has a different balance of terpenes in them   but in terms of the main terpenes that are can be 
found in different types of cannabis or cbd oil   we have mircine this is typically found in your 
indica strains of cannabis it can also be found   in bay leaf verbena pine juniber and lemongrass 
plants and essential oils so if you're looking for   an essential oil that will produce the effects 
of myrcin you know those are some options that   you have mircine is anti-inflammatory antiometic 
which means it helps you helps with nausea and   sedative so it helps you calm down it reduces 
inflammation and makes your tummy feel happier   now i did do some research i am um relatively 
new to learning about cannabis um so i did do   the some research and found that cannabis strains 
that tend to have mir seen in it include blue   dream sour diesel northern lights pineapple 
and skunk xl you can also again get a mircine   it's available in certain broad spectrum cbd 
oils you just you need to really do your research   and specifically look and ask if it if if they 
know whether the cbd oil has this particular terpene in it the next terpene and this 
is one of my favorite it's limonene   you can typically find it in the 
sativas your cannabis sativa strains   it's citrusy it has a you can find it in lemon 
essential oil orange essential oil spearmint   i actually ordered d limonene which is a an 
industrial strength degreaser but it is limonene   it to clean my house i use it 
in my laundry i use it to clean   it is very uplifting limonene has antidepressant 
anti-anxiety effects and it also has been shown   in some cases to enhance immunity so those are 
all really awesome properties now in terms of   cannabis and cbd limonene tends to be higher 
as i said in the sativas and the strains that   typically have higher amounts of limonene include 
sour diesel sweet tooth and super lemon haze   pretty much if it has the name of a citrus fruit 
in it the rule that i found in on one of the sites   was that it probably has a high level of limonene 
in it the next one is another one of my favorites   it's linalool and this is the main constituent 
in lavender essential oil and we all are familiar   with lavender essential oil and how it can be very 
calming interestingly enough linalool is also very   common or very very high concentration in 
coriander cilantro and basil now i love basil   and i love lavender i cannot stand coriander or 
cilantro so i thought that was really interesting   that this particular terpene was really high 
in all four of those plants and they have   such different aromas to them which tells you that 
there are other terpenes at work and they may have   slightly different therapeutic effects i know 
my donkey for example isn't crazy about lavender   but she loves cilantro i grow cilantro in 
the garden and she just eats it all the time   so anyway that's kind of a side note linalool 
is helpful for relaxation sleep and they found   in some research that it's helpful for seizure 
reduction in terms of cannabis strains fire og   og shark and amnesia haze are purported to 
have higher levels of linole than other strains karyophiline is the next terpene we're going 
to talk about and this is a spicy terpene   and it is found commonly in black 
pepper cinnamon oregano cloves and thyme   so i thought it was interesting 
going back here that um anyhow some things that have a clove-like smell 
really don't have you know really aren't   related to clove at all but in terms of terpenes 
that are actually in cloves and oregano it's   karyophiline karyophylene is anti-inflammatory 
analgesic so it's pain relieving and they found in   some studies it may reduce alcohol consumption 
now i am not saying to do to use it as a detox   um but karyophylline essential oil might be 
helpful as an addition to a detox protocol   under the supervision of a physician remember 
alcohol detox can very quickly be life threatening   even if you are not a an all the time 
drinker even if you're a binge drinker   sometimes your blood pressure can skyrocket 
when you are detoxing from alcohol so please   please please if you are undergoing alcohol 
detox make sure to do it medically supervised strains of cannabis and cbd oil 
that have karyophiline in them   include northern lights fire og harlequin and 
super silver haze and i'm sure there are others   out there i was just kind of trying to give 
you a quick um rundown of different types   because you can if you've been to a 
dispensary you know that there are different   strains of cannabis and cbd oil derived from those 
different strains of cannabis that have slightly   different properties and that's really what we're 
talking about here is figuring out uh which ones   might have the um best terpenes that work for 
you if you are in recovery from addiction again   you can use essential oils you don't need to use 
cbd oil you don't need to use cannabis to find   these terpenes i just think it's interesting as we 
start to learn more about cannabis how incredibly   powerful this plant is that we've ignored for so 
long and how many you know unique effects it has alpha and beta pinene are obviously um terpenes 
that are derived from pine type plants they smell   very piney think pine salt balsam rosemary 
frankincense cypress and juniper berry   are the ones that are more common i mean 
there's also spruce and a few others   if you've smelled different pine essential 
oils you know some of them have a more woody   smell and some of them have a more citrusy 
smell and that tells you that there are other   terpenes that are in there in 
addition to the alpha and beta pinene pinene terpenes tend to be anti-inflammatory 
improve breathing improve memory and alertness   they can also help buffer against the memory 
effects or the memory problems that can be caused   by long-term cannabis use according to research 
now it's important to remember that you know   think about in terms of improving breathing you 
know if you are smoking it's likely not going to   improve your breathing so it's important if you're 
trying to find a way to improve your breathing   it's important to consider how are you going to 
get that terpene into your system in order to do   that and that is where you consult your physician 
who can tell you the best way to do it but strains   of cannabis with pinenes in them include pineapple 
purple kush cherry bomb blue dream and sweet skunk   cumulene is a terpene that's found in hops and 
we're all familiar with hops in terms of beer   and things like that it has an earthy aroma and 
humulin can be found in sage cloves again basil   and black pepper it is also 
anti-inflammatory sense a little pattern here   appetite suppressant and calming now 
a lot of people when they think of   cannabis they think of the munchies um 
and that can be a side effect but the um   humulene is an essential oil that 
actually can help suppress appetite   birthday cake great white shark and sour 
diesel evidently um are high in humulene   terpinoline has a piney floral type 
smell to it and it can be found naturally   in sage rosemary and tea tree oil tea tree 
oil is probably the preeminent example it is   really strong in tea tree oil it has 
anti-anxiety relaxation and sedative properties   it can be found in strains such 
as dutch treat and jack herrer geraniol this is another one that 
i really like in essential oils   some say it has a tobacco-like 
aroma it also has a floral scent   geraniol comes from the geranium plant 
mainly that's where it's you know most   uh most prominent most most strong but it's also 
can be found in rose rose geranium and citronella   so thinking about each one of those they smell a 
little bit different but they all have high levels   of geraniol which is a neuroprotective antioxidant 
and antibacterial notice it's not one that's   listed as anti-inflammatory but it does have 
a lot of other really awesome properties to it   that can be found in purple punch dutch 
hawaiian kimbo kush og shark and amnesia hayes osiemanine osimin can be found in basil 
and bergamot and it's said to have a   musky odor to it i love both basil and 
bergamot i don't think of either one of those   as musky but you know whatever maybe 
i have a different definition of musky   but basil if you think about basil it does 
have sort of a woody earthy flake smell to it   bergamot is more of a citrusy smell so 
obviously in most essential oils there are   going to be multiple different types of terpenes 
the same thing is true in just about every plant this is anti-inflammatory anti-fungal antiviral 
uplifting and energizing in terms of cannabis   strains it can be found in chocolate thai 
strawberry shortcake goji og and huckleberry   other terpenes that can be helpful they're 
not as prominent in the cannabis plants but   they have been shown to have some effect or they 
think it has some effect for helping people with   alzheimer's and with inflammatory conditions 
um include eucalyptol eucalyptol can also be   helpful for lung functioning think about you know 
what's in vic vapor rub you know it's there's a   lot of eucalyptus in there tea tree oil and 
eucalyptus are both very high in eucalyptol   strains of cannabis that are high in it 
include bubble gum super silver haze and acdc   and finally terpenes that have 
antioxidant anti-inflammatory antifungal   and possible cholesterol lowering 
properties include camphine and sabinene   and you can find the caffeine in acdc 
banana kush ghost og and strawberry banana   i am not advocating for the use of cannabis 
what i am doing is letting you know about all   of the components that are in a lot of plants 
including cannabis and some of these terpenes   or all of these terpenes can help us understand 
why cannabis works the way it does why it is so   powerful for example for nausea reduction and to 
help people with pain they found that people who   use cannabis and this can be you know it through 
edibles have a significantly reduced amount   of pain they've done a lot of testing on uh 
with people using oral mucosal sprays that   contain a one-to-one ratio of thc in cannabis 
and they found that it has a lot of varied   anti-inflammatory anti-anxiety effects to it so 
there's a lot of new interesting research that's   coming to the fore but all of these and that's why 
for each one of them i also wanted to point out   that the different essential oils that you could 
also find these terpenes in if you want to stay   way away from cbd or way away from cannabis that 
is you know totally cool i mean a lot of people um   need to stay away from it for one reason or 
another if you are taking any other medication   cbd and cannabis will likely interact with 
it because of the pathway that metabolizes it   so you know it may not be an option for you 
um i know it's not an option for me because   it interacts with medication i have to take 
on a daily basis um so then you would look to   some of the essential oils that i have listed 
like the the lavender and the rose geranium   and the rosemary and bergamot and and those 
other things in order to get um similar effects now i know that there was a lot of 
stuff in there and it may take you   a few minutes to digest that but 
are there any questions about terpenes morgan in terms of cannabis usage and dissociation 
i would have to do more research on that um and and see what the correlation or what what 
the correlating variables are because saying that   there is or is not a connection 
between cannabis usage and dissociation   um for anybody or everybody is probably too broad 
i would need to examine specific populations and   see if there's a greater risk in uh dissociation 
for them such as people with extreme ptsd alrighty everybody have a fabulous rest 
of your day and i will see you next time

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About the Author: Michael Izzo

I'm Michael Izzo, and I am thrilled to be the author behind CBD Pro HQ - Your Trusted CBD Resource. I am dedicated to unveiling the power of CBD and providing you with a comprehensive guide to the world of CBD. Through expert articles, product reviews, and insightful content, I aim to help you navigate the vast array of CBD edibles, oils, gummies, and other wellness products available. Stay informed and join me on this transformative journey as we explore the numerous benefits of CBD together. Let's dive deep into the world of CBD and discover its incredible potential with me at CBD Pro HQ.